Dr. Becky Slabaugh teaches on Prophetic gift. 9:30 MST www.1220kldc.com Dr. Becky and Pastor Barbara

Learn about what God says is the especially gift from heaven to Gods kids . Why not be open to some new fresh teaching about what you are really longing for each day. We have an inheritance of intimacy with God and in God. Another mission trip wont do it. Another bible study cant get you there. Pastor Barbara Moore and Dr. Becky have some fresh air for you. Look and listen .
Dr. Becky Slabaugh is a voice for God to hurting and broken lives. Her heart has been refined in the furnace of affliction leaving her integrity intact and blameless. Her one purpose is to represent the heart of the Father with a message of mercy, deliverance, healing and hope. She has earned my deepest respect and friendship!“
Dr. Becky Slabaugh
Prophetic Insights and Teaching:
Prophetic ministry is about your being a gateway to God’s thoughts, emotions and heart for others through your connection with Him.
The goal of prophecy is to connect people to the empowering nature of God so they can become like Him and display His loving nature to mankind.
Prophecy should be encouraging, comforting, and edifying, because God is already speaking in our core being, and prophecy should validate what we already know about empowering through love.
Prophecy should leave room for the person receiving the Word to be accountable to God themselves for their choices, not demanding this choice be made for them. Prophecy from others should never violate our will or ability to have choices.
The essence of prophesy is the very nature of Jesus being imparted into a human being. Nature is the sum of personality, emotions, character, spirit, and talents that make up an individual. Our nature is what defines each one of us. While we are in relationship with God, we participate with His nature.
We are not limit ourselves to our understanding of God. Participating with God’s nature means we are not limited to our weakness or strengths, our personality, our gifts, our talents, or our emotions.
We have a living God who has all of these strengths that we are relating to.
By releasing the spirit of prophecy, you will go places and talk to people and do things that are not limited to your rational thinking or your life experiences.
Your Heavenly Father sees you through a developed lens of love – the Father’s point of view.
The spirit of prophecy is to see what Father sees, what God hears and speak what God speaks, so we can all love the way God loves.
The spirit of prophecy reveals how we look in heaven. How would your relationships change/how would you treat people, if we were to look at people from heaven’s perspective?
Holiness is not sinlessness; it is the ability to see what is worth protecting and then say no to sin to protect our yes to love. The Spirit of prophecy points us to God in order for us to make a connection with Him and the love He has for us.
By asking God for His eyes to see each person from eternity’s perspective, to see the love of God on each person He has for them, would transform your world. Looking through the lens from the world’s perspective is not the real picture or the finished and picture of who we are. Prophetic people dig for the gold.
The prophetic allows us to go beyond just the knowledge of what is in God’s heart for us and others. We don’t only hear what He wants to give us, but also what He made us to do, and whom we get to love. He brings us to understand how to be connected to Him in a full way.
When tensions mount in relationships, we then go back to see this person through the eyes of God.
We have to see what God is doing, not just what man is not doing or what the devil wants to do. When we begin to discern the heart of God, not just the injustice. The prophetic discerns what GOD IS DOING.
Prophecy bridges the gap from God’s heart to our heart and helps us go from small-mindedness to a big picture.
John G. Lake wrote, “Men have mystified and philosophized the gospel, but it is as simple as it can be. The secret of Christianity is in being. It is in being a possessor of the nature of Jesus Christ.”
1 Cor. 14:1, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophesy.”
If you want to have influence, you have to join yourself to the nature of God – His love. It’s not just a feeling or an emotion, but an attitude of acceptance toward everyone and everything that is God’s, even if you can’t control it, manage it or even nurture it. You are called to love.
We grow in authority to reach people by seeing God’s value of them and seeing them as worthy.
“He who gives the most hope will have the greatest influence.” Kris Valotton
The real purpose of prophecy is to tie you to your eternal calling to be in Jesus.
Prophecy gives you a glimpse to help you see yourself as God sees you and for you to see yourself in your truest form. Prophecy reveals your purpose on earth as you were being formed in heaven. You are God’s dream. You are God’s miracle. You are God’s first love – for you are an original. There is no one like you on this earth and never will be – ever!
The primary purpose of the Spirit’s Words is to reveal the love of our Father and our relationship with Him. Prophecy is about growing in connection and relationship with God.
As I raised my two sons, it was not unusual to witness them get off track in decisions they made or what they were influenced by. I love my sons with every fiber in my being. When one of my sons was acting out, I reminded him who he was. Little did I know I was actually prophesying to him. I wanted him to remember this is how I raised you, this is who you are, you are unique and special and valued and LOVED by me and Dad and your Heavenly Father.
The way you are acting, is not representing who you are. You are better than you can imagine.
Prophesy is not a positive spin on everything. We do have to have the heart quality that believes God is everywhere and He wants to bring everything into His heart. Everyone who is still living is worthy of this love.
If you have been prophesied to by a prophet, let’s say, and it was discouraging or pointing out what was wrong with you, that is not prophesy.
Prophecy redeems and speak to what is what is not.
Prophecy reconnects people to who God says they are and how they are to live out of the love He has for them.
Revelation 19:10: ….the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Revelation is given to us so we can carry a piece of God’s heart from eternity into the world. Revelation causes us to discern God’s mind and deep heart.
“It takes no anointing to see what is wrong in people’s lives. Tell them something they don’t know! See the gold and tell them that.”….Phil Elston
When you discern things, you are not necessarily getting a prophetic message from God. It’s more of a beginning of a conversation with the Lord.
Discernment allows you to open the door of spiritual revelation that goes beyond your thoughts, feelings, opinions, or faith. God wants you to take what you discern and talk to Him about it. Then He can reveal His deep heart and share His thoughts about it. Christians pursue the heart of God through His Spirit and hear what He is saying about their discernment.
Discernment is the beginning of our interacting with God. God gives us discernment so we can pray and get His spiritual perspective. Sometimes He will show you what people are not doing so you can hear God’s heart about what He wants to raise up.
For everything you discern, there is a deeper and more original thought about it in God’s heart.
Discernment without going to the Father’s heart can truly work like the worst witchcraft that any Christian can face. Any discernment that is outside of interacting with God can cause people to become political, manipulative, and divisive.
We are not called to discern evil as a goal; we are called to discern God’s heart. We will see evil so we can see what God wants to do about it. If you take out the second step (listening for revelation), you can become as evil as the thing you discern without even knowing it.
Example: Seeing a demon at Dad’s house
Jesus treated people with a worthiness they didn’t deserve – an unusual honor given to man. When Jesus was moved by compassion, it was not just a feeling He had, but an understanding and conviction of what those people meant to Father.
He also saw them as though they were already living in everlasting life. Jesus brought heaven to mankind to acknowledge just by loving them.
Ultimately Jesus laid down His life to reveal and reflect the Heavenly Father through the connection with Jesus.
Who does God love that He wants to send you to?
God’s heart and mind are given through the prophetic and give us courage to ‘become.’
Prov. 29:18, “Where there is no revelation people cast off restraint, but blessed is He who keeps the commands.
“Faith does not deny a problem’s existence. It denies it a place of influence.” Bill Johnson
God’s greatest desire is to share His identity and His nature with us.
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Gal. 5:6b
Jesus promised that God would speak to every believer.
John 16, “But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the Truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from Me that He will receive what He will make known to you.”
If the Kingdom was just about principles of right and wrong, then Jesus would have never run after Peter after the resurrection and restored him through love. He would have judged Peter as unworthy and looked for someone more righteous. God isn’t looking at our current weakness or lack of righteousness as a disqualifier, but He sees what we would be like if we followed Him with our whole heart and loves us that way.