Be Jingle Bells and Silent Night for someone this year !!


Image result for christmas caroling  Christmas caroling began in Europe and were sung in all four seasons. In 129 AD a Roman Bishop called a song ANGELS HYMN and they sang it on Christmas Eve.  St Francis of Asiss in 1223 started nativity plays in Italy.  they sang songs called canticles and told the story.



Many songs were sung in homes and traveling ministrils wrote different words to songs depending on the local people.  That is where I saw three ships came from

Contextualizing the gospel is as old as Paul speaking to the Epicurians in the square in Athens and telling them they were so good at curious wondering about new things.  Well today church we are taking advantage of that opportunity.  I have talked to bank tellers who are 20 something who when asked if she had any faith background she said no but I would love to know about God.  I had a woman at the food bank at our church in Lakewood when asked if we could pray for her say – what is prayer ?

Before singing in publich became popular there were official carol singers called WAITS.  these were bands of important people local leaders such as council leaders and they would only sing on Christmas eve in public.  they sang of the watchnight… becasue shepherds were watching where angels would appear.  Choirs started around this same time.


I asked a pastor of a large church in Arvada yesterday would his people go around their neighborhood or come to the Auraria Campus Downtown Denver to sing with  us.   He frowned a bit and said, Well.

Alot of people do not like to sing he said, Some people would only want to sing with a purpose and they go to nursing homes to sing or sing in hospitals to the lonely.

That is a good point right.  People know who they want to sing to and why they want to sing Christmas Carols.  The church hears God and wants to please God at Christmas.

I am so excited to see how the church responds to Gods heart and His voice.

For those people in the Arvada church that said they did not want to sing to their neighbors because some might think it is disruptive – just notice what they say, listen to their response and tell them that you are so grateful to learn of their feelings about caroling and hope they have a great holiday season doing what they most love to do.  God turns all things to good for those who love Christ and are called according to his purposes.

It is encouraging to see how the church in Colorado is following the pattern of that very successful hamburger chain in California IN AND OUT.  We go in and we go out.

When my husband Glenn and I atteneded Bear Valley Church in Lakewood which is large and missional, we had 100 groups go out one year and sing and give away the Jesus film.  That is what got me started in this crazy passion to sing carols every year.



  1. purpose – sing to a hurting group of people or carol along a certain streeet where there are a certian type of people .
  2. day, time of caroling and day and times for practice
  3. Sing 3 songs and just repeat them.  Have song words in packets for people
  4. Song Leader – just need one or two strong voices and others can blend in
  5. Do you want to ring bells or give out candy canes
  6. Do not promote your church I recommend highly.  Do not pass out tracks
  7.  Talk to people – an ice breaker question can be –  What does Christmas mean to you or do you have a favorite acticity during Christmas time since a child
  8. ask the people to join in with you to sing…if you do that bring extra song sheets

QUESTION – what kinds of places can you go sing ?

  1. nursing homes and hospitals
  2. jails and prison or battered woman shelter
  3. malls – inside and warm and captive audience
  4. neighborhood – use the great neighbor tool – NEXT DOOR – join it and invite neighbors to join your group
  5. college campus –  go before finals start.  join us on december ____ at Tivoli Center starbucks.  there are 45000 students on campus and they need joy and love food.
  6. Sing at your office – ask your manager if you could do a 15 minute song break.
  7.  Read the Christmas story if you have a microphone. maybe ask people around you to read it instead of your group. include them.  do not make a big deal about it being the bible…
  8.  start a new family tradition with your chidlren and grandchildren… do sing every year together.

TIVOLI CENTER –  last year we had Christmas around the world in the multi cultural center.  We had guitar player and sang.  we had food and went to food court ringing bells and singing and students smiled and liked it.


Relationships that are close help the feel of your group.  You can have time to pray and you should can list target areas where you live your lives to go to.  We have a lot of neighborhoods in Jefferson County practicing the art of neighboring.  This is a book by Arvada author who ministers around USA on cutting loose from church only life.  Dave RUnyon book is The art of neighboring.  SO we have Golden, Arvada, Englewood Lakewood helping people intentionally get to really know there neighbors.  We are making great progress in front range.

Love to hear from your listeners in Greely, Pueblo, North South East and West Colorado as to what your caroling out of church traditions are .


You will be the manger scene…. You will be the living manger for Emmanuel in your zone of life. Gods children are so loving and so true to sharing their faith at Christmas. It is exciting to see these breakthroughs.


QUESTION CAN YOU SING AT APARTMENT COMPLEXES –   I have sung at many complexes.  Each complex has a manager.  You just have to get permission from manager to go.  Tell them exactly what you will do and when.  If they agree they will post it in community center for complex. They look for actitivties for residents. It keeps the turn over down when they have fun stuff to do.  If it is a poor complex and you want to go extra mile you could bring toys. I have brought food bags from a food bank. So you are Christmas to them beyond a song.


QUESTION – IS CHRISTMAS CAROLING RELEVANT – yes  people are more open during Christmas season than any other time of year to hear about the baby in the manger  ,, People often say…wow no one has ever carroled for us before…. people offer thanks and even food…. most find their gift of songs receieved


CAROLING IS JUST SOMETHING FUN TO DO –  just a simple way to bring people together

You can even do a christmas quiz if children are at the door or in your group.  GIve out a candy cane if they answer right .  1.  how many wise men came to see Jesus.   2.  what did mary ride to bethlehem 3  in charlie brown christmas show who refuses to eat snowflakes ?  4. on 12 days of Christmas what happened on the 9th day.

Q PLACE CHRISTMAS PARTY IDEAS – by Fran Goodrich Lakewood


Tis the Season to GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN – over the hills and everywhere.  How about considering going with a few others and sing Christmas Carols to young adults who are needing some joy for their world before finals.  We are asking you to bring carols to college students at Auraria Campus downtown Denver.  Families, small groups, with your neighbors , you can be a Christmas light for these wonderful students. 

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We are asking groups around Metro Denver to go caroling anytime during December 4 to 12th. You do not need choir voices just have fun.  Practice a few songs would be good before you go.  You could start at the Tivoli Center which is main hub on campus.  Google maps will bring you to parking if you put in Tivoli Bookstore.  There is meter parking and large parking structures.    
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 There are 45,000 students on campus so you can go day or evening.  You can just walk along and sing.  If you want to give out candy canes or treats that would be great. Foods must be sealed and packaged.  Email me if you go and let me know how it was.  This tradition started last year. Barbara Moore
