How Risen is Jesus in the Church of Metro Denver ?

Glory to God in the Highest…. Be exalted this day Jesus – King of Kings ..I am so convicted today to share my faith…to preach the Gospel today for the Glory of His Name…. I do not know if I should cling to His Feet or GO IN HIS NAME… to shout from the mountain tops…Church Arise… How will they know if we do not tell them ? I am asking God for a dozen people to GO OUT into the harvest fields with. To go to Auraria Campus and wherever Holy Spirit shows us to go.
Angels will help us preach just as they helped at the Resurrection in many ways. I cannot explain in my head the resurrection of Christ. How humble our Lord is. When He shows up to the women… He focuses on them not Himself. He did not have a crowd of 1000 shouting Hosanna….those close to Him He spoke to. We must preach the part of the three days when Jesus went to HELL to Preach the Gospel !!
I had a friend recently really challenge me about the issue if Jesus really does tell everyone about WHO HE IS ! God does tell everyone who He is ? Let the people of God hear from heaven about how to share about Christ with power and piercing conviction. Words from heaven not earth to preach and share .
Pray for Gods people to GO IN HIS NAME. To be prepared in season and out of season to share the TRUTH about Christ. He is Risen. Lord Jesus reveal yourself with signs and wonders in Metro Denver. We bring the little Children to you Lord…Let their ears be open and eyes to see your Face and hear your voice. The Kingdom of God is a matter of power not talk as Paul said. Bring the boldness of the Book of Acts to us. Baptize us in your fire Lord.