Fashioned to Reign


There is a lot of action for traction to help women step into their true reason to be on the planet. In Jeremiah God said in Chapter 1- ” Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. verse 5. Paul said in Galatians 3:28 – no more male and female or Greek or Jew. Yet in Genesis 1:27 God spoke that He made male and female together to be in His Image. I take that to mean that how people will know and see God is that they see men and women together operating in the manifestation of the Kingdom. What if pulpits had male and female in them ? Wow. What if sharing Christ took place with husband and wife loving their neighbors together.

Now it could be said to not be PC but let me just say that two in five women in USA are being or have been sexually abused. Many are in domestic violence in their marriage. It is needed to redeem women from sex trafficking, but so is it needed to stop the cancer of oppression and domination of women in the USA. How can this circumstance be redeemed ? Well perhaps, just perhaps, our culture is off its core because women are under a belief system in the Church that does not fully represent what Christ was doing to redeem women from the curse. Jesus did stunning ministry to and with women and so did Paul. So we might need some prayer and study again on what the Bible says about women in their role on the planet as wives and ministers of the Gospel.

Kris Vallotton has a great teaching tool that I want to share in Colorado. Empower women to fulfill their destiny. I want to gather people who have a heart to learn and pray and walk out some new freedom for men and women in Colorado. A Professor at Denver Seminary where I got my MDIV shared one day that he knew that women could preach and should preach. He is an expert in Greek and New Testament Exegesis. Another New Testament Professor at Denver Seminary goes to a church with a woman Pastor. Now they believe this personally as the Scripture informed them. But do they step out to speak as very respected Biblical scholars to set women free ? Not sure.

I will be gathering couples who walk in ways that women can be in their set apart roles. If you have a passion for this sanctifying work get in touch with us at or call 720-231-8337. We will have a large conference for Colorado in the Fall to share biblical exegesis on texts about women in marriage and their role and women in ministry in their roles. May the Lord be glorifiedIMG_20140209_122534_571 in this work.
