Small Groups to learn Arts of Spiritual Conversations

Would you like to find some simple tools for your equipping as a minister of the Gospel for this season in Colorado ? Go to and see how people are gaining some hope and ways to engage with people seeking Christ. A conference on September 23 called VITAL will be held at Bear Valley Church Lakewood. Meet with people from around USA and locally who want to have spiritual conversations that keep going and do not shut down. Like learning to play a musical instrument, the art of loving neighbors and then getting to engage in informal or groups for spiritual conversations can become part of your life again or for the first time. If you heard our broadcast on KLTT 670 AM or KLDC 1220 AM, call in the station and tell them if you liked the show. There are churches in Metro Denver doing Q place and Seeker Groups. Just send me an email at for info on where these groups are meeting. If your small group or church would like to learn more about The Art of Spiritual Conversation and Seeker Groups, our regional leader can help you . The Lord of the Harvest is interceding for His People to GO and love and have spiritual conversations.