Book Groups: New Book on Amazon – Lean In Closer With God Because You Can

Lean in Closer with God
Because You Can
author: Barbara B Moore
Facilitated Book Group “like” Weekly Retreats to Experience God More Deeply “Together”
Saturday morning: 8:30 to 11:00 – location in Lakewood TBA. May 7,14,21,28
Cost is $39 including a book. Gift Certificates available.
Sometimes, we can meet with one another and hope to encounter God more than we can alone. There is synergy in a room when in a relaxed facilitated atmosphere, we seek God together. There is an art to facilitation, that can be so much sweeter than that same old triangle with expert at the top.
Come enjoy around a table with flowers, laughter, soft music and maybe even a tear or two gentle sharing. To lean in means to incline. We each get to be who we are in this time together.
Prayer times for one another will flow in our gatherings. No one is expected to participate in prayer, but they may if they want to. We will practice the art of listening during our times together. We will enjoy some silence and solitude. journaling, worship, prayer, more like a retreat than a small group…
Each week for 4 weeks we will take a look at some stories and ideas for breakthroughs in our life with God. We will have some guideline ideas for your discussions. Each week a different person will be the facilitator. You are free to just observe with your group and you can choose to listen and not have to speak.
SEVEN BREAKTHROUGH LESSONS to lean in closer with God
Chapter One The Daisy Girl Loves Sunflowers too
“He loves Me; He loves Me not.”
Chapter Two “If God talks, I want Him to Talk to Me”
One Word from God Can Change Our Lives
Chapter Three When your horizontal runs out, Go Extreme Vertical
How to Find Your Life’s Balance Beam with God?
Chapter Four Faint with Love, I never Saw that Before
I knew God loved me, but not that He loved
Me that much!
Chapter Five I saw for Myself the Power of God
Chapter Six How to gain weight?
The high cost of low power
Chapter Seven The Cancer was gone and I was still here
Father spoke to me, “And as they went, they were cleansed. “
Luke 17:14b