When is last time you got a bouquet of daisies ?



One day life is like petal number one – He loves Me and another

next day Petal Number Two He loves Me Not.

 Life each day is like the daisy game for me . How about You ?  I have a lot of flowers among my vegetables in my front yard. Sunflowers and daisies are my favorite.

 Listen live or to Podcast on Going Deeper With God Radio broadcast http://www.1220kldc.com 9:30 MST or Midnight on Saturdays if you need encouragement to Lean In Closer With God Because You Can.

 This broadcast is Breakthrough  LESSON NUMBER ONE .  Find out how, “Daisy Girls Can Be Sunflowers Too. 


ORIGIN OF THE DAISY GAME was in France in 1800’s – our life with God can seem like the daisy game.

A person playing the game alternately speaks the phrases “He (or she) loves me,” and “He loves me not,” while picking one petal off a flower (usually an oxeye daisy) for each phrase. The phrase they speak on picking off the last petal supposedly represents the truth between the object of their affection loving them or not. The player typically is motivated by attraction to the person they are speaking of while reciting the phrases. They may seek to reaffirm a pre-existing belief, or act out of whimsy.7110186_l (2)

