test a ment


Legacy is really important to some people, but not all people. We have all heard that quick word from someone about how would we live today if we thought about what people would say about us at our funeral of life celebration service.

How do you and I build our testament to match up with the patterns established in the old and new testament ?  Does that sound wild.

There is a theological principle called testament for those who believe in and follow Jesus Christ. It is a core value of the faith.  Testament records the acts of God and how God acts and speaks into the lives of humans.

The Song of Deborah in Judges 5 is a testament to the rightousness of God and it has been recalled and repeated as true of God and about God and His people for 2600 years.  Deborah was the leader of Israel for decades and God worked with her and used her and the troops and prayer to bring peace to war torn Jews.

Judges 4:4 “Now Deborah a prophet/judge the wife of Lappodith was leading Israel at the time. She held court under the palm of Deborah”

In verse 6 we see male and female leaders in battle together, ” She sent for Barak and said to him, The Lord the God of Israel commands you Go take 10000 men and lead them to Mount Tabor. I will lead Sisera, {king of enemy] the commander of Jabins army with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.”

Way back in 600 BC a woman leader of Israel recorded the testimony of the Lord.  The victory was so significant that a song came forth from the people of God. The testament of Deborah and Barak and Jael are this, ” 5:31 b then the land had peace for forty years. ”

Walter Bruegermann Theology of Old Testament has theological teaching on the important as a core value of TESTAMENT or testimony or witness.  He said that Judges 5 is the first plural testament or sdquoth of Jahweh relating to Gods righteousness. Breugermann writes that this song is taken to be one of Israels most formidable and earliest articulations of faith. The poem is a victory song.

Old Testament New Testament Your Testament and My Testament proclaims the reality of God and How God moves and acts on the behalf of his people and his enemies.




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