Harvest Mountain Ministries
Barbara Moore
Web Site Doc – Copy of IRS 501 C3 Harvest Mountain Ministries
Harvest Mountain Ministries is a 501 C3 corporation. Thank you for your donations. We work weekly to lead people to go deep wide and high with God. Our major work projects each week include: 1. writing books 2. producing weekly radio show programs 3. building foundation for ministry followers and supporters 4. teaching . I will be writing a book series with Amazon called Lean In. First book will be published in April 2016 with Amazon. We plan on doing webinar teaching and doing a citywide conference in the Fall on Going Deeper With God. Last but not least for last three years have worked with Inter Varsity Campus Ministry at Auraria Campus Denver in prayer and evangelism https://intervarsity.org/.
I am a catalyst with www.qplace.com. This is evangelism ministry of arts of Spiritual Conversations. Called to work with millennial generation. Help Pastors get this vision and training in South West.