where are you at ?
We Gotta Get Back to the Garden
Voice of the Apostles Monday Night Reinhard Bonnke Voice of the Apostles Live! Tonight’s keynote speaker is Reinhard Bonnke.

Many know who Billy Graham is and his son Franklin. Evangelists come in different flavors just like accountants !! Check out what Reinhard Bonnke who will speak at a conference next week. See what he has to say about who God is and who you are ! Many of us need some Pentecost in our lives. Who knows more fire might change our lives… our dry life might get more sparky.

making the most of watering holes – take a moment to have a conversation with a stranger

From Streams Ministry: www.streamsministry.com making the most of watering holes
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a sense of urgency to share the truth and light of Jesus now more than ever. At the same time, I also feel it’s becoming harder to connect with people. It’s like the enemy sneaked in overnight and built invisible walls. What happened to our opportunities? At today’s “watering holes”—the places where life forces us to mingle with strangers—we get out our mobile devices and basically ignore the people around us. We’ve lost those 15-minute windows that used to be “open door” moments.
I think it’s safe to say that deep down, one of the greatest convictions in every believer’s heart is to share Jesus with hurting people who don’t know Him. What would you do if someone came up to you and asked for help? “My life is a wreck and I need something to believe in. Do you have an answer for me?” I bet all of us would jump at the opportunity to pray with that person and show them how to turn their life over to Jesus. We could then direct them to a church.
Unfortunately, such clear-cut situations don’t happen very often.
Why not? Because God made evangelism awkward.
He probably did it on purpose, too. Ephesians 4:11 tells us only some people are given the gift of evangelism—and yet all of us are called to spread the gospel. How do we break through the power of awkward in today’s culture, when the invisible walls of technology can make even casual conversation difficult?
I don’t believe there’s a one-size-fits-all formula . . . but here’s a formula anyway:
Bold + Awkward + Interesting = God
If you’re bold enough, you can push through the initial moments of awkward. Be prepared with something interesting, and then be satisfied in letting God do the rest through His Holy Spirit.
Jesus modeled the perfect picture of 21st-century evangelism in His dealing with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4).
He was BOLD.
“Can you draw Me some water?”
He pushed through the AWKWARD.
“But You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman.”
He quickly made it INTERESTING.
“Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.”
He showed Himself (GOD).
“I who speak to you am He” (the Messiah she was looking for).
There it is—a formula for sharing the truth of Jesus with strangers. People may bristle at a direct invitation to “know Jesus,” but far less often will they refuse prayer. Simple “icebreakers” can make it easier and less awkward to begin conversations. Have you ever tried something like this? The waiter or waitress brings your food, and you say, “We’re about to pray over our food. Is there anything you’d like prayer for?” Simple. To the point.
What do you do? We want to hear your ideas for evangelism icebreakers—how do you break through the invisible wall of awkward and share Jesus? Email us attestimony@streamsministries.com
There are many easy, uncomplicated ways you can boldly start a conversation about the gospel. Since dreams are mysterious and everybody dreams, there will always be a hunger to know what dreams mean. As an equipping ministry, we are here to help you share your faith with others and grow through training and resources. What touches the interests of today’s generation? We want to help Jesus-seekers scratch an itch and lead them to the One they’re searching for.

ideas about having spiritual conversations
new habits for this fall to make life much better – arts of spiritual conversations
Jesus is our healer
What do you know about the history of Revivals in USA ?

We sings songs to God and ask us to revive us. We cry out words like Let it Rain ! How many evangelical Christians have spent time examining the reality and issues of REVIVAL. History shows that many called the works of God the Holy Spirit works of the devil. That is not good. Study to show yourself approved. God is sweeping China and India with revival. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever – then what do you know about revivals ? I was blessed to have begun my study of revivals when I prepared to be ordained in the Disciples of Christ denomination. This denomination today is apostate. Many deny the deity of Christ. My church in Lakewood in 2002 was evangelical and my Senior Pastor was evangelical. This denomination started in the Great Awakening Revival at Cane Ridge. It is 2015 and I am again studying revival to prepare to be part of ONE SUCH HAPPENING !!!
Christianity is a supernatural faith and life. Revivals have occurred all over the world and in the USA. I just bought a DVD series on Great North American Revival Series – Warren Marcus. Reading is good but seeing what happens is also good. I will be using another book called the Ecstacy of loving God by John Crowder to introduce people to Revivals to help them consider what they believe . If you want to learn about revivals you can contact us and we will let you know where the groups will be meeting.

Small Groups to learn Arts of Spiritual Conversations

Would you like to find some simple tools for your equipping as a minister of the Gospel for this season in Colorado ? Go to www.Qplace.com and see how people are gaining some hope and ways to engage with people seeking Christ. A conference on September 23 called VITAL will be held at Bear Valley Church Lakewood. Meet with people from around USA and locally who want to have spiritual conversations that keep going and do not shut down. Like learning to play a musical instrument, the art of loving neighbors and then getting to engage in informal or groups for spiritual conversations can become part of your life again or for the first time. If you heard our broadcast on KLTT 670 AM or KLDC 1220 AM, call in the station and tell them if you liked the show. There are churches in Metro Denver doing Q place and Seeker Groups. Just send me an email at harvestmountainfarmgardens@gmail.com for info on where these groups are meeting. If your small group or church would like to learn more about The Art of Spiritual Conversation and Seeker Groups, our regional leader can help you . The Lord of the Harvest is interceding for His People to GO and love and have spiritual conversations.