Holiday Market – Latvian Cultural Center – December 3 and 4 – Lakewood CO
Is it all relative ?

Some say well it is all relative. Is it ? If our philosophy of life is relativism then the possibility on the surface to love your neighbor as yourself should manifest.
Passions bring us places and so do strong beliefs. A middle east leader one day asked
“What is truth ?” I go extreme vertical in a horizontal world when I sense much unrest in many souls. For truth is that love covers unrest but does it dissolve unrest ? Who can judge the motivations of a human heart ? I know one thing, that to actually love my neighbor as myself is a huge challenge. To just love a neighbor is one thing. To love my neighbor as myself takes for me extreme vertical. All verticals are not created equal.

Harvest Mountain Mission for December and January – volunteers needed

December Mission is to Christmas Carol at Denver downtown Auraria Campus for college students on December 7 at 6 pm to 8. Meet in Tivoli Center at Starbucks inside. We will supply song sheets and you can bring candy canes if you want to. RSVP – or message me on our facebook page.
January mission will be on January 2 at King Soopers in Lakewood from 11-2. We will be collecting money and paper supplies needed for Title One very low income students at Eiber Elementary School Lakewood CO.
RSVP – or message us on our facebook page.

Heirloom Honey – Great Christmas present

$10 JAR in our store plus shipping
Many people think of honey as a drizzle in desserts or a topping for toast. But now more than ever, honey’s being recognized as a versatile ingredient and pantry staple in the kitchen. All-natural honey gives your recipes unbeatable flavor and unmatched functional benefits. From balancing flavors to providing moisture to baked goods, one-ingredient honey performs a slew of tasks, all from one little bottle.
Discover the versatility of honey…
Sweetener: Honey is slightly sweeter than sugar, so less can be used to achieve the same sweetness intensity.
Flavor: Honey not only imparts a unique flavor to any dish, but it also balances and enhances the flavor profiles of other ingredients used in a recipe.
Emulsifier: Honey acts as a binder and thickener for sauces, dressings, marinades and dips.
Humectant: Honey provides and retains moisture to a variety of dishes and can even extend the shelf life of baked goods.
Alfalfa (Wyoming)
Clover, Sweet (Wyoming)
Clover, White Sweet (Wyoming)
Sweet Spicy Salmon with Honeyed Mango Salsa

To prepare the salsa, combine the mango, bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, 1 tablespoon of lime juice, 1 tablespoon honey and jalapeno in a medium bowl. Stir well and refrigerate until ready to use. Whisk together the honey, hot sauce and remaining lime juice in a small bowl. Rinse salmon and pat dry; brush liberally with honey mixture. Place skin side up on a well oiled grill over medium coals; cook for 2 to 3 minutes until lightly charred. Turn and cook for 8 to 10 minutes more, basting…

an event person thing or idea that causes us to Pause

Every family has changes in their regular routines in the four seasons of life. A boat may come out of storage for summer or skis unpacked for winter. A summer vacation can include a trip to Europe where 1000’s of churches hold history in stained glass and wonderful sacred art work.
We actually do have to PA– USE for a minute or two to reflect on the changing seasons. Well some church traditions have very carefully provided seasons to help us reflect or pause on the vast beauty of God in weeks before the time we celebrate Christs Resurrection . We call that Lent. The other very important item of year to celebrate and devotionally meditate on the birth of Christ is called Advent.
Many children grew up waiting each November to get an advent calendar that included stories about the celebration of the Baby in the Manger coming. The tradition can include giving presents or candy to children during the four or six weeks prior to Christmas.
Dr Jean McLachlan Hess provides a great family devotional book to start a new tradition in your family. Stories and prayers to follow to be sure we get some new glimpses of the Journey to the Manger.
Dr. Jean and Dr Rick Hess Pastor a local church is Denver.
Dr. Jean McLachlan Hess
Jean is a native of Glasgow, Scotland. Her first career was in Business Management, followed by a fulfilling career as a stay at home mom. Jean was ordained by the Church of Scotland, and she has ministered nationally and internationally as a pastor and a speaker. Jean has spoken at general retreats, Spiritual Leadership retreats, workshops on Prayer and Spiritual Direction, and at many churches. She is a graduate of International Christian College and of Trinity College, Glasgow University. In 2007 she gained a Doctor of Ministry from Denver Seminary. Her project thesis was on Prayer, with an emphasis on physical and inner healing prayer. Jean has just completed a manuscript for a Devotional book that will be published in 2013. She will begin work on a second book early in the New Year.
Dr. Rick Hess
Rick teaches Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern languages at Denver Seminary. He earned a PhD from Hebrew Union College, an MDiv and a ThM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a BA from Wheaton College. He has preached and taught at a variety of churches and universities in America, Great Britain, Korea, China and India, to name a few. Rick has published a dozen books, including commentaries and studies on the biblical books of Genesis, Leviticus, Joshua, and the Song of Solomon. At present, he is an editor for the New International Version Study Bible, and is also working on commentaries on the books of Genesis and Kings, an Introduction to the Old Testament, and the study of ancient Near Eastern texts related to the Old Testament.
Rick and Jean have two sons, two daughters in law, one daughter, one soon to be son in law, and five, almost six, grandchildren all of whom live in the Denver area.
You may be saying how would St Patrick have anything to do with the birth of Christ. Well here is some fresh new ideas about how to live among other people without boundaries established that separate us. Dr. Jean Hess spoke in 2016 on our show Going Deeper With God about Evangelism the Celtic way. The podcast is available on this site in archives.
Please enjoy this fresh inspirational truth about St Patrick and how different cultures relate to one another. Buy the book on Amazon today and tune in to our show on 9:30 AM MST and midnight to get a real treat for our two shows on November 19 and 26. Tune in live around the world.
The old saying that, “Christianity is more caught than taught” could very well be the banner statement for Celtic evangelism, as the Celtic model is based on helping people belong so that they can believe. John Finney, writing in his book, Recovering the Past: Celtic and Roman Mission, contrasts the Roman way of doing evangelism and mission and the Celtic way. Finney shows us this simple chart to highlight what he means:
Roman Model | Celtic Model |
Presentation Decision Fellowship |
Fellowship Ministry and Conversations Belief, Invitation to Commitment |
Finney contends that the Celtic way is more effective with postmodern Western populations than the American evangelical Roman way. He states that:
“The Roman Model for reaching people says: 1) Present the Christian message; 2) Invite them to decide to believe in Christ and become Christians; and 3) If they decide positively, welcome them into the Church and its fellowship. The Roman model seems very logical to us because most American evangelicals are scripted by it! Presentation, Decision, Assimilation. Extremely logical.
The Celtic model for reaching people says: 1) you first establish community with people, or bring them into the fellowship, you engage in conversation, ministry, prayer, and worship. 3) In time, as they discover that they now believe, you invite them to baptism and discipleship.”
Finney reports that most people experience faith through relationships; that they encounter the Gospel through a community of faith; and that becoming a Christian involves a process that takes time.
The Celts lived a life of faith that showed those around them that Christ made a difference in their lives. The compassion and love of Christ was evident in their day-to-day living. Life was hard! Pain and suffering were all too often their reality, yet their lives were a witness and testimony to their God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). This ‘living’ testimony caused countless people to befriend them and then, in God’s perfect timing, become a follower of Jesus Christ.
The outreach and evangelism of 316 will have a strong Celtic flavor. We will always be ready to share our faith, but first and foremost we will seek to evangelize through Ceilidhs, Scottish and Irish culture events, and concerts.
> Back to “What is Celtic Christianity?”

Colorado Will You Take Your Mountain to rebuild our broken walls ?

There are 7 Mountains of Influence in Culture..
Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, had lunch together in Colorado. God simultaneously gave each of these change agents a message to give to the other.
During that same time frame Francis Schaeffer was given a similar message. That message was that if we are to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society.
These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. There are many subgroups under these main categories. About a month later the Lord showed Francis Schaeffer the same thing. In essence, God was telling these three change agents where the battlefield was. It was here where culture would be won or lost. Their assignment was to raise up change agents to scale the mountains and to help a new generation of change agents understand the larger story.
Every human has a mountain to rebuild, will you citizen of Colorado, children of Colorado, students in Colorado, grab your destiny reason and help us rebuild our state back to a place and life that is very good ?

The limbo dance is in this year
How do we testify to a whole heart of love ?

Our testament or testimony or truth in Omaha, Kansas City, Albuquerque, Scranton, Bakersfield and even listeners in Europe – is this, God is our first love. This is the truth. If we have moved away from God in the last months or years, we can run back to our rightful place. Because God is our first love. We declare it and decree it.
God warns us in revelations 2:4 to the church in ephesus – yet i hold this against you…you have forsaken the love you had at first. consider how far you have fallen. repent, do the things you did at first .
we see here a place that was close and then we move away from that place and we gotta get back to the first love place.
Life with God is not a honeymoon that gets over…sorry ii hear alot of people say that…but it is not true…God in fact also speaks about a heart condition that is called lukewarn in rev 3:16 and he does not like that or expect that from us.
Jesus is not looking for fans who know stuff about him. he is looking for lovers.
How do we know if we are loving God with our whole heart ? Go to ER for a anjioplasty ? It will not work
Matthew 22:37 declares the who God is and who we are. God is love and loving always…so he says to us not as a trite idea, but as a charge, a command, to love God with all of our heart and our soul and our mind. God is not cruel and would never ask us to do something we cannot do.
This command or charge or life purpose began back in Deuteronomy 6:5 and 10:12 with the Hebrew people who proved to the world then that people can walk with God and follow God and show the world how much God loves his people, his children.
Deuteronomy 4:29 says, if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. [soul is mind will emotions]. So again we see that if we half hearted seek God it is not going to bring us to the place with God and in God where we belong. We are dwellers in Gods heart not visitors or once in a while drive by guests.
God does not like our leftovers or stale bread. This whole heart love for God is like the smell of fresh bread each day. We are not to be in a guilt trip when we ask God am I loving you with my whole heart Lord. For in Romans 8:1-4 we know there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. God forbid we would feel guilt and shame about our very relationship with God. That is aweful and very sad and not the plan of God at all.
God loves us with His whole heart all the time. The Bible says He is close to the close and close to the far. Jeremiah 30:21, Isa 40:11 and Psalm 34:14.
Lets hear from a friend and listener in Rancho Cuchomonga CA Dayna Belcher, psalmist and author.
We are drawn and magnetized towards Him. We long for His nearness and not opposed to him or going away from Him, we find ourselves longing for what he desires, what he wants for us and others, and we want to please God.
Here are ten action verbs that a leader in Sydney suggested this week to move closer to God:
anticipation, attend to God, absorb God, appreciate God, apply God, aid God, be hungry for God, be receptive to God, lift up your hands to heaven and go up higher with God, surrender to God and with God and stop arm wrestling against his presence.
CURIOSITY FOR GOD AND WITH GOD – I am very curious and my book Lean In Closer With God because you can has bunches of stories from my life with God that grow from constant curiosity about what God is like and how he feels.
this week i wrote to God in my journal , i want to learn something brand new about you Lord. Please , Please please. Sure enough last night I saw what He showed me. I had a tangible sense of the very Sovereignty of God. I sensed a lot of people worshiping God in USA.
Gods attributes are always flowing equally and never plugged up. But we as humans have to try to grasp who God is. Well I could sense in a circumstance God saying to our nation – this is going to happen. So join in with me to pray for what I am praying.
Hebrews 7:25 says – God always lives to intercede for us. So as I am so curious with God I have asked him if it were not too personal to ask Jesus what he is praying to the Father about for me ? After all the will of God is what Jesus is asking the Father for each of us. So when we agree with God in our life and testimony…wella…heaven opens and comes down. that is what the Lords prayer means when we are taught to pray on earth as it is in heaven…. and when God says asks anything in my name.
Lets hear from another couple in Arizona, Phoenix, who love this ministry about how they would understand a whole heart in love with God. Dr Becky and Gary Slabaugh, share this”
Lets close in prayer for one another.
Lord in Eccl 3:6 there is a time to search and a time to give up. Lord help us to give up moving away from you. Like the woman with the jar of precious ointment, let us sit at your feet and be a precious aroma to you. We chose today to sit down and slow down to be with you.
Forgive us Lord for half hearts of love for you and lead us not into condemnation of self in the desire to draw near to you. Eccl 3:8 says Lord there is a time for love. So be it Lord. A time for love. A time for first love love.
We chose to receive you in your fullness of love today Lord. We chose to give you our daytimer, google calendar, cell phone or whatever we need to lay down to snuggle up close to you.