Feb 23 2014 – Seeker Group Training Session


We invite you to a wonderful opportunity.  We will be participating in the SEEKER GROUP TRAINING with Cherry Hills Community Church on Sunday morning February 23rd.  gary poole leads discussion on spiritual discovery gatherings We are forming a core group of people who want to learn to be a facilitator of a Seeker Group in your neighborhood, work , office.  You can take your time in becoming comfortable with the process.  We are targeting college students but will have groups for all walks of life.

Gary Poole – www.garypoole.org – was the Evangelism Pastor at Willow Creek Church.  He is now with the Institute Cherry Hills with Lee Stroble .  You will learn about the carefully crafted process of hosting a one hour gathering for allowing people to see if they want to share what they believe with others in a safe place.  This is not pushing our beliefs on others in any way shape or form.  This is engaging others in life changing discussions.  It will be an informal non threatening spiritual discovery group.   The cost is $25 which includes the hardcover book by Gary Poole Seeker Groups.

Harvest Mountain is a ministry to help people in Metro Denver grow in their destiny with Christ.  We will be having a radio show and doing an interview based book on peoples Spiritual Beliefs in Metro Denver.    Please call 720 231 8337 for more info or email knowjesusmore@gmail.com   Starts at 10:15 and finish at about 1:30.  Please tell your friends and post this on your facebook page.  The Harvest is plenty and we are going to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for some co- laborers with Christ.


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