www.Qplace.com Learn how to have spiritual conversations


Barbara Moore is weekly helping leaders and people see what spiritual conversation arts study groups are. These groups are based on some cool life training called Q PLACE. A place to ask questions about God.

Fran Goodrich of Lakewood Colorado is a staff member of Q Place and a catalyst to train others to be trainers in the arts of spiritual conversations. She has been involved in these groups for more than ten years. I have attended her training sessions and get weekly coaching on how to launch many spiritual conversation groups in Metro Denver. This training will also happen with the Inter Varsity Campus Group on Auraria campus which I work with weekly.

The arts of spiritual conversation include noticing, praying, listening, serving, sharing and loving others. A Q place group is composed of a facilitator triad which is three people who follow Jesus Christ. They serve others and facilitate the self discovery process of seekers or those with questions about God. God in this context is the God of the Bible. The God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These groups are safe places to ask questions and people are promised to be respected and listened to while asking and processing God questions.

Learning to notice people more and care for them is a skill we all need improving on in our busy lives. Learning to LISTEN better and honor people with this gift helps each human being to live a more fulfilling life. Serving others and praying for them on occasion can also become more active in our daily lives and a practice. Does this sound interesting to you ?

If you are interested in learning more or joining a study group to examine these spiritual conversation principles – email harvestmountainfarmgardens@gmail.com Barbara Moore
