Peter Ellingson, Professor of Music, radio broadcast – Sons & Daughters of God


Peter is Senior Instructor of music performance at the University of Colorado Denver. He specializes in jazz and Afro-Caribbean music in both his teaching and freelance performing on piano and percussion. As a performer he has worked with numerous artists including Michael Spiro, Luís Conte, and Jerry González as well as hosting the annual “Night of Cuban Music” concert at the University of Colorado

He received his Bachelor of Music degree from Northern Illinois University and his Master of Music degree from Arizona State University.  He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in jazz studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Before coming to Denver, he worked as a freelance pianist and percussionist in Chicago, Phoenix, and Virginia Beach. His other teaching experiences come from Colorado Christian University, Red Rocks Community College and Arapaho Community College.


Radio broadcast Christmas 2015. Peter Ellingson, Professor of Music at C U Denver.  Peter will share about – Sons and Daughters of God.  How does the true revelation of who we are to God change our relationship with God.  This idea of good news gets better when we really learn that God is our Dad. He is not a far off One to be honored but not necessarily known. The Gospel comes alive through knowing God is Father. Your heart changes and you know. All of a sudden joy comes. For Peter fear made him feel like an orphan.  As he was coached by Brett Rutland, he learned that the distant Father was not the true Abba. He grew from distance with the Father and do not get close enough to call him Dad. You can have this respect which causes distance. Imagine you are Mr. President and you get honor. Do the children of the President call him Mr. President ?  We can hop up into Gods lap.  Honor in a way that we are separate from God may not be the pleasing thing. The delight of Gods heart is when we feel close and are close.  God is transcendent and holy and sovereign.  Our hearts like Gods heart is for us to feel Gods breath on our face.  Peter got helped by mentor and friend Brett Rutland, Destined for Son-ship, to help people know this intimacy. The inheritance we have as God is our Father. The orphan heart can be healed.  Listen, learn, and pray through this gift from God to you .
