Testimony of healing from Joan Hunter prayer time at City on a Hill Boulder Colorado


Healing Testimony – Rod, Christie and Caitlyn Hitchcock

Categories: Blog,Testimonies

HitchcocksRod’s broken back was healed last Sunday during Joan’s meeting! He was in a tragic construction accident over 25 years ago. Roof trusses had given way, resulting in his falling 30 ft. Then 3,000 lbs of trusses fell on his legs, leaving him with his BACK BROKEN and his LEGS CRUSHED. He wasn’t expected to live as he was transported via Flight for Life to St. Anthony’s in Denver. However, upon his arrival, the Lord spoke to him in an audible voice saying, “YOU WILL HEAL TO PERFECT NORMAL HEALTH. ENTER MY PEACE.”

Rod has seen healings and progress over the years, but the work God promised was “perfect normal health” so there was always an anticipation in our spirits for more until it was done. Rod had an increased anticipation in his spirit that Sunday was going to be significant for him. (Joan has a special anointing for bones.) He thought, “I can’t miss this. I have to be there.”

During service, Joan said, “Is there anyone here who needs to grow in height?”. My arm shot up and pointed to Rod. (Rod lost height after his accident.) As Rod proceeded to walk up to the front, I felt the “force field” of God’s presence, commenting to my daughter, Cait. Then Rod started GROWING before she even began to pray. Joan acknowledged that fact, commenting, “I’m totally fine with that.” He not only grew, but his POSTURE became “straight as an arrow” and his HIPS became level!
That night, Rod slept pain-free for the first time in over 25 years. He rides his bike for an hour at a time as opposed to an arduous 15 minutes, and could ride longer if he felt he had that availability of time.

She also prayed for the straightening of his legs (the left leg is crooked at the knee), but those are being experienced as progressive healings.

ROD SHARED WITH ME LATER THAT HE ACTUALLY SAW HIS NEW SPINE ARRIVE! IT WAS A WHITE, LUMINOUS S-SHAPED SPINE ENTERING FROM HIS LEFT SIDE, AND THEN INTO HIM. So Rod’s spine was NOT restored, it was gift wrapped BRAND NEW! (Joan actually prayed for a NEW spine as opposed to a restoration of the old one.)

Cait and I were prayed for too. We requested for the C-curve to be restored to our necks. (We had both received an injury to our necks, resulting in the loss of that natural curve.) Cait’s shoulders were rock hard, and there was a visible hump at the base of her neck. And now, NO MORE. She is pain free! and no more hump! As for me, I didn’t realize how stiff my shoulders were! Now they are supple! WOW! THE LORD IS AWESOME!
