Walt Meyer works with his wife Julie Meyer in worship and revelatory ministry around the world. Walt shared on December 26 2015 on radio broadcast. What difference does history make any way? We are told in the Bible not to look back or we might turn to salt… Sometimes just sometimes God circles back around again. Have you seen that happen in your own life ? Do you know the God who connects dots ???
In 1969 New York and California humans were looking for love in a cultural revolutionary way. Who does not like a chance to have a “redo” ? Who knew that those holding up those peace signs who were spread from one side of USA to the other were two sides of a cultural revolution?
During the radio show on December 26 with Walt Meyer we share ideas about how might God is be connecting some dots — about 40 years later!!!! If we get the synergy of the ages, to see and pray and think like an eternal God does we begin to see moves of God as connected.
Barbara Moore went to Woodstock Rock Festival with 500,000 other mainly young adults. I was not in college at that time, but working to save to go to U of Colorado Boulder. Who knew that this guy named Walt Meyer who I now consider a good friend would have been a person who was doing drugs and checking out of life. He was on one side of the peace sign in California and I was on the other side of the peace sign in New York.
Who knew that there were Two Sides to the Peace Sign ? One in California and One in New York.
Testimony of Walt Meyer:
Woodstock 1969 was a very memorable year for me for I was 14 years old. I wanted to be a rock star and I was beginning to experiment with drugs and drinking. The excitement of change was in the air in those years and when the movie came out about Woodstock, I watched it 3 times.I was a lead guitarist in a rock band in my home town, Albuquerque New Mexico. My only goal in life was to be a musician and not go to college or be involved in a normal career.
Two years later in 1971 I attended a Jesus Freak youth church and asked Jesus to come into my life. I was emotionally addicted to the pot and probably the drinking and wanted to quit but could not. That day I was born again. By that I mean this-Jesus gave me a new inner life or “heart”.
I knew nothing really about the bible. I did not go to church and considered myself an atheist, as my dad did. So when I reluctantly attended this Jesus Freak church, I was doing it only to please my girlfriend. However, the Lord ambushed me that day and I was filled with the Holy Spirit and He gave me a prayer language (called speaking in tongues) as I was born again. I did not know what it was but it was a powerful experience. I ended up on the floor “filled and drunk” in the Spirit for about an hour.
The next day I awoke and went to get stoned. When I remembered the night before and power of God surging in my body, I decided that using drugs was no longer a good idea and I threw out my drugs and poured out my booze. I never used drugs again. That was about 44 years ago. I frankly do remember being tempted a few times by some friends but God gave me the power to say no.
I have served in a dozen churches since then and am grateful for the experiences with God and some great people. I also have learned that American Churchianity can sometimes get complicated and hard to practice. I usually felt guilty about my imperfections as I tried to follow Jesus. However, I hungered still to really know Him in a real and personal way and now I share that I want a relationship with Him and not a religion about Him.
Today, in 2015-I have moved my family to the Central Coast of CA, where the Jesus Movement of the 1960’s started. I feel that it is past time for another move of the Spirit of God to happen here and this time our Heavenly Father wants it to be about Jesus, His Son and not about hippies and a counter culture known as the Jesus Freaks. We are already seeing the power of God moving in new ways in people’s lives with healings and miracles and supernatural dreams and visions. It is a great time to be alive. People thought “God is Dead” in the 1960’s. God proved them wrong and now He is starting a new move of His Spirit all over the earth.
People want friendships and relationships that are healthy and safe. The world had become a very unsafe and cold place and people are hungry for something deep inside. I have found that having the Holy Spirit inside my heart gives me a sense of peace and a feeling of His great love. I invite you, the reader to take a chance and simply ask Jesus to come and take your life and make it new! Make room for Jesus in your heart and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit.
Find some followers of Jesus and pursue them as they pursue Jesus. You will find a deep joy and satisfaction as you grow in your relationship with God (Jesus and Holy Spirit) and with His people.
God bless you,
Walt Meyer