Save this date – September 23 2015 – Vital
The Jesus Movement of the 60’s – Jesus Freaks

The Jesus movement was a movement in Christianity beginning on the West Coast of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s and spreading primarily throughout North America and Europe, before subsiding by the early 1980s. It was the major Christian element within the hippie counterculture, or, conversely, the major hippie element within some strands of Protestantism. Members of the movement were called Jesus people, or Jesus freaks.
Its predecessor, the Charismatic Movement, had already been in full swing for about a decade. It involved mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics who testified to supernatural experiences similar to those recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, especially speaking in tongues. Both these movement were calling the church back to primitive Christianity and recovery of the gifts of the Spirit.[1]
The Jesus movement left a legacy of various denominations and other Christian organizations, and had an impact on both the development of the contemporary Christian right and the Christian left. Jesus music, which grew out of the movement, greatly influenced contemporary Christian music, helping to create various musical subgenres such as Christian rock and Christian metal

what does it mean to be born of the Spirit ?

The Bible emphasizes two things that God will do for us when we submit our lives to Jesus. The first thing he will do is to forgive our wrongdoing. Paul is fond of using the word “justify”, which is a legal term meaning that we are acquitted of all the charges against us – declared innocent. “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and now credits to us his own perfect righteousness. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). A wonderful transaction!
The second thing that God does is to come in the person of the Holy Spirit to literally live within us, his Spirit uniting with our human spirit. This experience of receiving the Holy Spirit is what Jesus is talking about when he says we are to be “born again”. In fact he went on to call it being” born of the Spirit” (John 3:5,8). This experience is also spoken of as a resurrection, “God…made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions” (Ephesians 2:4); as receiving eternal life, “God has given us eternal life” (1 John 5:11); or as being recreated, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Before we receive the Holy Spirit there is a gulf between us and God. We are “dead in…Transgressions and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). After we receive him we are united with him in an intimate relationship. We are “born” into his family – we have spiritual life – a new relationship with God, who is now “Father”, and a new relationship with other believers who are our “brothers and sisters”.
We also have a new spiritual home which is “heaven”. It is interesting that, whereas John and Peter use the metaphor of being born into God’s family for this experience of becoming a Christian, Paul prefers the idea of adoption. “You received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry…Father” (Romans 8:15 – literal translation). The first metaphor emphasizes our union with God, sharing his nature by his Spirit within us. The metaphor of adoption puts the emphasis on our legal standing, with all the rights and privileges we share as children of God.
This experience of reconciliation with God and transformation, through spiritual birth, is made possible for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was foretold 600 years before those events by the prophet Ezekiel, to whom God declared, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities…I will give you a new heart…I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees” (Ezekiel 36:25-27). It is not the turning over of a new leaf, but the receiving of a new life – not just a new start, but a new heart.
As the American evangelist, Billy Sunday, put it, “A lot of people think a man needs a new grandfather, sanitation, and a new shirt, when he needs a new heart.” It is not necessarily a change in our temperament, or our abilities. These come to us largely through our physical birth. Neither is it the addition of some new attribute. Rather it is an inner transformation springing from a new relationship with the living God. Its chief effect is on our motivation, goals and values. Ultimately, as we grow in that relationship, it can transform every area of our lives.
If you have found religion hard work, a bore, uninteresting, or merely a duty you feel you ought to do something about, then maybe you need to go back to the beginning. Plutarch told the story of a man who attempted to make a dead body stand upright. He tried various schemes of balancing, and experimented with different postures. Finally, he gave up, saying, “There’s something missing on the inside.” For the relationship with God to come alive, as Jesus said, You must be born again” (John 3:7). The life must be given to us by God; we cannot generate it ourselves.

Fashioned to Reign

There is a lot of action for traction to help women step into their true reason to be on the planet. In Jeremiah God said in Chapter 1- ” Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. verse 5. Paul said in Galatians 3:28 – no more male and female or Greek or Jew. Yet in Genesis 1:27 God spoke that He made male and female together to be in His Image. I take that to mean that how people will know and see God is that they see men and women together operating in the manifestation of the Kingdom. What if pulpits had male and female in them ? Wow. What if sharing Christ took place with husband and wife loving their neighbors together.
Now it could be said to not be PC but let me just say that two in five women in USA are being or have been sexually abused. Many are in domestic violence in their marriage. It is needed to redeem women from sex trafficking, but so is it needed to stop the cancer of oppression and domination of women in the USA. How can this circumstance be redeemed ? Well perhaps, just perhaps, our culture is off its core because women are under a belief system in the Church that does not fully represent what Christ was doing to redeem women from the curse. Jesus did stunning ministry to and with women and so did Paul. So we might need some prayer and study again on what the Bible says about women in their role on the planet as wives and ministers of the Gospel.
Kris Vallotton has a great teaching tool that I want to share in Colorado. Empower women to fulfill their destiny. I want to gather people who have a heart to learn and pray and walk out some new freedom for men and women in Colorado. A Professor at Denver Seminary where I got my MDIV shared one day that he knew that women could preach and should preach. He is an expert in Greek and New Testament Exegesis. Another New Testament Professor at Denver Seminary goes to a church with a woman Pastor. Now they believe this personally as the Scripture informed them. But do they step out to speak as very respected Biblical scholars to set women free ? Not sure.
I will be gathering couples who walk in ways that women can be in their set apart roles. If you have a passion for this sanctifying work get in touch with us at or call 720-231-8337. We will have a large conference for Colorado in the Fall to share biblical exegesis on texts about women in marriage and their role and women in ministry in their roles. May the Lord be glorified in this work.

building work for November and December 2014

Relationships are being developed each week on Auraria Campus and among churches. The training for Arts of Spiritual Conversations occurs weekly with Gateway to Mt Zion church, Inter varsity and Lakewood group held at Latvian Church. Will be sharing about launching Q Place at Gateway Church on January 11 in Golden. Will be part of national prayer team for Q Place and National Catalyst team in January.
Barbara Moore is now officially an affiliate Professor at Metro State College in the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Restaurant Management. Course is Urban Gardening and begins in May 2015 through July.
Helping several area churches come up with game plan to help people learn the arts of spiritual conversations. Work with Fran Goodrich area leader for Q Place on this endeavor. Spoke to 15 counselors last month about spiritual conversations. Several are going to consider how to engage with people in this manner.
Will be doing two radio show pilots with KLTT 670 AM this spring. Topic for shows will be of course – How to engage in Spiritual Conversations in a safe self discovery environment. If you are interested in learning more about email us at

Talking human to human about spiritual thoughts and ideas about the God of the Bible

Last week with 400 people in Wheaten Illinois we explored the arts of spiritual conversations. This all begins with each heart being a kinder and more loving heart. A life set out to be good to others regularly. The meeting called VITAL helped those who believe in the God of the Bible to become better listeners. We were reminded to slow down our lives so we can notice when others might need some love or care. Six of us from Denver got to take part in this amazing time. Please go to website to learn more about this community based movement . People are often is certain times of seeking more meaning for life. A human in USA could spend some hours in 2015 exploring with a group of 3 people who walk in a faith background shown in God of the Bible and six or more of those with QUESTIONS. Many people today have never had safe place to ask questions together. Listening to others questions often leads to some more clear understanding of what we might better believe based on deeper exploration. In a society of humanism and relativism for many it just makes sense to take a few minutes to explore ideas and personality of the God of the Bible. We hope to bring this type of community group to students on Auraria Campus. By early next year with a two others I will be part of team of Q Place leaders helping these dialogues to occur. I will be preaching on December 8th on becoming fishers of men and woman as asked of us by the God of the Bible in the book of Matthew in the fourth chapter and the 19th verse. The place is Gateway to Mount Zion in Golden Colorado.

Helping people define their purpose – Loving Students at Auraria Campus Denver

With the group of 20 Inter Varsity leaders we spent time with people on campus asking them to share about PURPOSE in life. There are 50,000 people walking about . We asked them if we could have them better understand how students define PURPOSE. We showed some of them a postcard with four quadrants Success, Purpose, Fun, Love. this is practicing spiritual conversations. The back side of the card has a scripture and a few points about what the text on living water might mean. Each person you speak with is honored and you have fun learning about each other. Holy Spirit decides where the wind blows !!! Several of the students had never done this before and took a big risk . They were all invigorated about the courage it took and the kindness of God to be with them in the process.
We had some Frisbee parties and Glow in the Dark party . At the ice cream social students met over 60 students in the dorms they did not know. A very common feeling around campus now for freshman and new students is the search for some friends. Pray for students to find nice friends.
I had several good meetings with some church pastors with my mentor Fran Goodrich of Q Place. Three churches are going to initiate discipleship groups to help people get some tools in their tool box to have spiritual conversations. You will be hearing more testimonies about this when they actually launch.
For my own neighborhood I am meeting with two other pastors for us to practice the spiritual arts of spiritual conversation. We will pray and learn together for a few months. Eventually we will start spiritual conversation Q Place groups in the Green Mountain area of Lakewood. I need your support. Please consider becoming a monthly giver. Twenty five, Fifty or One Hundred dollars a month will help alot.

College Students are returning to campus

This week begins 50,000 students returning to the Auraria Campus which has Metro State College, University of Colorado Denver and Community College of Denver in one location. It is mainly a commuter campus which means about 90 percent of students have jobs and college work each week. There are two housing places for students and over 7000 students live in those two places.
Two Great Young Men I know Leif and Ty will be back on campus. They suggested what we need on campus is a Love Revolution Jesus and Holy Spirit style. How can the Body of Christ in Metro Denver participate to love these students ? We know the second command or charge by God to Us is to love one another. Do you have a burden for college students ? Please consider praying and following our kingdom work on this campus this year. We expect to bear a lot of fruit. We expect for the Inter Varsity leadership team to become lovesick lovers of Jesus this year . We expect harvest workers and HARVEST !!!!! Those close to God know His Times and His Seasons. They know the WORD OF THE LORD FOR now ! Holy Spirit will point out those who are seeking ! Who will be their to love those seeking so they may find JESUS ? Please consider sowing seeds into this work of Harvest Mountain Ministries. Go to and sow for college students and their professors to enter the Kingdom this year. Learn how to have spiritual conversations

Barbara Moore is weekly helping leaders and people see what spiritual conversation arts study groups are. These groups are based on some cool life training called Q PLACE. A place to ask questions about God.
Fran Goodrich of Lakewood Colorado is a staff member of Q Place and a catalyst to train others to be trainers in the arts of spiritual conversations. She has been involved in these groups for more than ten years. I have attended her training sessions and get weekly coaching on how to launch many spiritual conversation groups in Metro Denver. This training will also happen with the Inter Varsity Campus Group on Auraria campus which I work with weekly.
The arts of spiritual conversation include noticing, praying, listening, serving, sharing and loving others. A Q place group is composed of a facilitator triad which is three people who follow Jesus Christ. They serve others and facilitate the self discovery process of seekers or those with questions about God. God in this context is the God of the Bible. The God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These groups are safe places to ask questions and people are promised to be respected and listened to while asking and processing God questions.
Learning to notice people more and care for them is a skill we all need improving on in our busy lives. Learning to LISTEN better and honor people with this gift helps each human being to live a more fulfilling life. Serving others and praying for them on occasion can also become more active in our daily lives and a practice. Does this sound interesting to you ?
If you are interested in learning more or joining a study group to examine these spiritual conversation principles – email Barbara Moore